Saturday, February 12, 2011

Articulating my Environmental Philosphy

Before I discuss the environmental philosophy topic, I will talk about what I discovered while roaming the Audubon’s Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary Website. The sanctuary offers several different types of programs to people wanting to learn more about conserving our beautiful nature and environment. These programs consist of things like early bird walks, sunset strolls, wildflowers of corkscrew, and the Florida master naturalist program. To me the people who run these programs are truly the ones making an effort. They are mostly volunteers and they are taking their own personal time to teach our society about why animals, trees, and dirt are so important for the community and how we can properly maintain these aspects. Corkscrew Sanctuary is also beginning to run off solar power. These companies are the people that Aldo Leopold talks about in “The Land Ethic” when he speaks about the proper land ethics and morality.
                After researching this website and reading Aldo Leopold’s “The Land Ethic,” my views on environmental philosophy have definitely changed. Before I was involved in colloquium, if someone asked me to define nature or the environment, I would say something like: the trees and animals around us that help the ecosystem survive. After reading more in depth about what Leopold had to say, there really isn’t a definition for nature and the environment because almost everything we do or think about almost has to do with or effects the environment. In some way’s these activities can be very beneficial, such as recycling or turning the water off when you brush your teeth. But most of our daily routines, as Americans, are destroying our beautiful planet as we speak. Leopold makes many suggestions in the readings and discusses many governmental issues involved with helping the environment. None of which have come through and citizens of society took seriously enough to do anything about. Communities are not informed and educated and therefore don’t take the environments health seriously. People are only worried about right now and their immediate future, not for future generations. If America starts making a turn for the better now, my generation can have a huge impact for the future. And I want to be one of the few who can proudly say that I was a part of creating a healthy more efficient and effective environment for our future generations. My personal opinion has definitely changed and my conscious has definitely become stronger, and I will take as many steps as I can to help make the world a better, safer, and healthier place for everyone to live.

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